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From the Previous Articles we looked in to the Disease and from this Article I thought we should take look at Diagnosis Process. There are many ways to diagnose Cancer and donot have a specific path or method. Process often involves multiple procedures, each performed by a different medical professional. Most people receive their official diagnosis within two to three months varying on their symptoms.

                   Mostly  is diagnosed by pathological examination from a biopsy. Tissue is removed, placed under the microscope, and a pathologist makes a definitive diagnosis and issues a pathology report. Doctors will observe the patient from a Scan or an X-ray. The first step that mesothelioma doctors will take in evaluating an asbestos related disease is to obtain a full medical history to determine the level and severity of mesothelioma risk factors and presenting mesothelioma symptoms.

From the Previous Articles we looked in to the  Disease and from this Article   Diagnosis

If the tests reveal a suspicious mass that looks like mesothelioma, they will request a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If further examination is warranted, the following tests may be done:

  • Thoracoscopy

  • Peritoneoscopy

  • Biopsy

                           Most patients make their first diagnostic appointment with their general physician several months after they first notice something wrong with their health. CT scans are most doctors’ first choice, while the “gold standard” for mesothelioma diagnosis is a combination CT-PET. However, many mesothelioma diagnoses are made incidentally, when doctors use other types of scans to identify an unknown condition. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are extremely important in extending your life expectancy. There are several steps that you can take, including developing a plan for treatment and finding a local mesothelioma expert.For facts regarding each diagnosing type, stick to our site and you won't miss anything.



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