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Get to know about Benign

t harm Malignant  and it is very easy to treat to that disease when comparing  Get to know about Benign   Benign doesn't harm Malignant and it is very easy to treat to that disease when comparing to the Malignant . Benign mesothelioma is usually develop in the peritoneums of patients with no history of asbestos exposure. This type of asbestos cancer also differs from the malignant form in that benign tumors do not invade nearby tissues nor spread to other parts of the body. 

The fact that it remains contained makes it much easier to address and mesothelioma surgery may be recommended.

Although most patients are young to middle-aged women, doctors have observed benign cases in men as well. Several complications can arise if a tumor grows large enough, but most patients experience no symptoms at all. 20 percent of patients with benign mesotheliomas larger than 7 cm experience painful swelling of the joints and bones, low blood sugar, comas and seizures.

                               Once diagnosed, benign mesothelioma is usually treated with a surgical procedure known as a thoracotomy. This type of mesothelioma treatment involves the removal of one segment of the lung or, in very rare cases, the entire affected lung. As with any surgery, complications may occur, but the mesothelioma survival rate is generally higher in these patients.


Cancer Alliance 

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